fridge bling @
Decor, Projects

Fridge Flourishes

It is cliche, but sometimes it really is the little things.

enjoy the details @

During one of the FIVE stops at a Target we made this past weekend (are we the only ones who find ourselves detouring to Target whenever we’re in a new place?  The prices and what’s on clearance are always different!) we came across some seriously cute gems for the refrigerator!

fridge bling @

I realized after I had already tore into a few packages that I forgot to take a before picture of them.  Just know, there is some serious Fridge Bling out there in the Target dollar spot right now!  SUPER CUTE colors and pads that are really functional and fun!

What made me decide to make this $5 splurge was the fact that we already do plan our meals out a week ahead.  That way we can make one trip to the grocery store and be done with it.  Otherwise, with each trip to the market, we have a greater risk of a fresh pack of oreo cookies appearing in the cart. (Buggy? I heard them called buggies in New England and just about laughed out loud at a complete stranger over it.  Apparently that’s what they’re called up north though!)

But I digress….

fridge bling @

FRIDGE BLING.  It was desperately needed.  We already had this handy pen holder on the fridge.  But it was boring blue.

fridge bling @ BandBBuildALife.comfridge bling @

And so a little Wasi tape assault and BAAM now it’s cute and trendy looking.  Gotta love quick and dirty DIY.

fridge bling @

And now we have a cute message center – the lovely chevron for notes and shopping lists.  The colorful days for the meals we plan, plus a menagerie of adorable and colorful magnets that match!

fridge bling @

The chevron.  They make me so happy when my zombie-just-woke-up self goes to the fridge for my first cup  of OJ in the morning!

fridge bling @

So there ya have it, a cheery chest of food.  A fancy fridge to feast your eyes on. An alliteration to alleviate your ailing afternoon.

Ok, I’ll stop streaming sentences starting sometime soon. 🙂

~ Beth