Our Story, Series, Thrifting

ReStore & Anthro Look the Same

Ok, I’ll cop to it, these photos are from two seperate shopping trips.  But honestly, there are times where the only difference between Anthropologie and our local ReStore is the price and how much dust you’ll have to wipe off your purchase before using it.

But really, I’m in love with Anthro’s china.  All of it.

anthro bowl @ BandBBuildALife.com

They have such cute patterns and uses!  This bowl I would soooo love eating cereal out of.  Even boring branflakes!

anthro bowl @ BandBBuildALife.com

And these babies, ceramic egg cartons with 2 extra posts are GORG.  The color options were fantastic and I so wanted one for my dresser to keep my rings and little jewelry in order…. trouble is I already have a few ring keepers now and realllly don’t need another.

anthro vase @ BandBBuildALife.com

These were just tooooo pretty!  I’ve seen them in catalogs before but this was the first time I saw all of the different varieties actually in-store.  The only thing I don’t get is, why would you ever put REAL flowers in them when the flower ON the vase is so pretty?

anthro vase @ BandBBuildALife.com

This one was mostly for the inspiration.  I really like the color combo!  But what I could not get over was just how SIMPLE this was.  Take an old plate.  Dip it in new ceramic paint.  Heat to seal it.  DONE.  For a fraction of what I’m sure Anthro would charge you.

Meanwhile this past weekend at the ReStore, we found THIS SIGN:

Habitat ReStore Adventure @ BandBBuildALife.com

SALE.  AT THE RESTORE.  Do you know what this means?!?!?!

Ok, well it was mostly on large furniture.  Which we have no room or need for now…. save for the perfect inspiration for a desk.  Sadly, there was no desk-to-be there this trip.  But we did find…

Habitat ReStore Adventure @ BandBBuildALife.com

AMPERSANDS.  I’ll admit, even before this blog, ampersands have been a love of mine.  Something about graphic layout and how they swirl around and still mean something… so it was only a natural thing to include in our home and our blog.  So I seem to be drawn to them.  And there it was, a whole fresh box of letters and symbols.

Yes, I bought 3.

Habitat ReStore Adventure @ BandBBuildALife.com

I mean, when the letters are only ten cents, you BUY THEM.  So I have enough for 2 sets of B&B plus an extra ampersand just for fun.  Who knows, maybe I’ll leave them gold, or paint them fun colors, or mod podge something crazy.

Also, speaking of crazy, I found this red box.

Habitat ReStore Adventure @ BandBBuildALife.com

And it was cheap.

Habitat ReStore Adventure @ BandBBuildALife.com


Habitat ReStore Adventure @ BandBBuildALife.com

Now it had some sweet scratches and scuff, but I don’t like red anyway so I’m feeling a blue or navy or maybe something fun and taped into a pattern…. oooohhh the possibilities!  And it’s the perfect size to eventually house remotes and wiimotes!

Habitat ReStore Adventure @ BandBBuildALife.com

Now this may appear to be an old mirror….and it is.  But it has little bumpers on the  back and is actually not meant for the wall.  Yup, FINALLY found a mirrored tray for my dresser!  It needs some work, but once it’s cleaned up it will be just what I was looking for!

Habitat ReStore Adventure @ BandBBuildALife.com

And to round it out, this little guy called to me.  I’m not usually one for floral, but the odd frame and deeper colors drew me in.  Expect to see it eventually join our chevron cork board.  Who knows, maybe a gold ampersand will join in the fun on that wall too!

Did you find any treasures or inspiration over the weekend?

~ Beth

P.S. Warm hugs go out to anyone in the American Northeast who’s STILL digging out from the crazy snow!  Having lived through the SNOWPOCALYPS in DC a few years back , I do not envy you now.  Stay warm and take breaks shoveling out!