ironing board cover on clearance is turned into an awesome chevron pillow at
Crafty, Decor, Projects, Sewing

Ironing Board Cover turned Pillow

Once upon a time there was an ironing board cover that dreamed of being something more... something not so flat. Then one day it was taken off the shelf at its long, lonely home of Tuesday Morning and was taken to a new home (at a mere $4 clearance price!).  There at it's new home,… Continue reading Ironing Board Cover turned Pillow

ikea inspired coat rack @
Carpentry, Decor, Our Apartments, Projects, Tutorials

Ikea Inspired Coat Cubby

In preparation for my move to Pittsburgh, I was slowly creating ways to maximize storage in the apartment, so that when I got here I'd have places for my things too.  One of the areas of the apartment that has (mostly) become mine is the hall closet. I'll have pictures later as there are LOTS… Continue reading Ikea Inspired Coat Cubby

Spring Flowers @
Decor, Projects

More Flowers!

I am determined to make things greener around here, no matter what the weather is like.  The only other obstacle indoors? Bill's brown thumb. I think this was a peace plant.  Was being the key phrase.  Tsk tsk. So I knew when we went to Ikea that there were new plants in our future. Like… Continue reading More Flowers!

stripe pillow @
Decor, Our Apartments, Our Story, Sewing

Springing for Stripes!

So you may remember for winter I warmed a few of our pillows up by wrapping them in a sweater. As cozy and comfy as they may be.... sweaters make me think of the cold.  And I'm done with the cold.  Dee Oh En Eee DONE I tell ya. So when I came across these… Continue reading Springing for Stripes!

Kitchen task light @
Our Apartments, Projects, Tutorials

Taking the Kitchen to Task

Earlier this week we mentioned our trip to Ikea's BYOF event.  We picked up a few things for around the apartment. Though it may be upside down in the photo above, one of the important things we picked up was the Ledberg light kit. If you recall from our 2013 Goals, one of those is… Continue reading Taking the Kitchen to Task